

一回の治療時間は普通30分から1時間です。 急性の怪我などは30分程度です。












Physiokey is non-invasive neuro-stimulation device, made in Germany. 

The goal of physiokey therapy is to find the doorway to the regulatory system to assist the body to heal itself.

The most important principle of natural healing is self-regulation. This means that the body is always actively organising its functions so as to maintain a dynamic balance homeokinesis. If the body encounters a challenge that it is unable to completely resolve, it will temporarily reorganise itself in some new way that will permit the body to keep functioning even though it still has an unsolved problem.

This kind of reorganisation is called an adaptive reaction – it is a defensive  reaction. An adaptive reaction is an interrupted cycle of self-regulation and is acceptable in the short term for the body because it allows it to keep functioning until the problem is solved. It is these adaptive reactions to stimuli that maintain the functioning of all organs and systems in the body necessary for the preservation of life. These general adaptive reactions are non-specific.

Physiokey is used for ailments, injuries, pains, lower excitement, raise energy and so on.

Frozen shoulder

Had Pain when raise hands and arms. Pain reduced from 10 to 8 in the first treatment. The pain was gone after 8 treatment and now uncomfortableness present instead of pain. Session every two weeks to achieve this.

Another patient had frozen shoulder and counldn’t raise hands and arms properly front/side/back. Range of motion improved session by session and achieved almost no pain and craps hands above her head.

Spinal stenosis

Managing pain with the device once a week. Now enjoying golf twice a week.

Muscle cramp

Muscle cramp didn’t stop after magnesium supplementation. Applied physiokey three times a day to relax the leg.

Neck and shoulder stiffness

Detox spine or Gua sha then collar zone or lower five star and stiffness is gone.

Planter fasciitis

Patient had pain on her foot and difficult walking. Treat with phsiokey once and pain was gone.